Blue Landscape
I love how this painting was created when I didn’t know what to paint. I remember sitting next to the wall where I pinned the paper up. I grabbed whatever color was on the brush and made rounded swipe movement back and forth on the paper. Then I imagined the stokes being clouds and the landscape around. What I find cool about this image, one can see a similar marsh when the trees are bare at the end of Rocky Neck State Park exit extension. I must have seen the marsh there hundreds of times growing up.

In college for my final artwork for the senior show, I painted 10 pieces on paper. The layers of paint and textured background added to the atmospherical landscapes I created.

A Treasured Sunset
My last semesters at college I really got into working my atmospherical landscapes in various classes. This was my watercolor final where I tried to include the layering colors to draw the viewer into the landscape as I did in my oil paintings.

Momentary Emotional Reflection
When I got studio space at UConn, I was able to staple canvas directly on the bulletin board walls to paint. I loved being able to create landscapes at large as the wall. When this one was finished, we were able to staple it at the end of the hallway and take steps back to really look at it. My intention while painting it was to draw the viewer in, while you can see the tops of the clouds. For now, the painting is up on my studio wall.